Sunday, February 21, 2010

Comments from Chris Lyons

From time to time I will be hosting comments from "Friends and Associates"
Here is a sample from Chris Lyons

Millions of people in the world believe that 9/11 was organized and orcestrated from the basement of the White House. In 2006, the movie Loose Change was played on television throughout Europe. On February 10th, 2009 Chancellor Fugita questioned the Japanese Prime Minister and his parliment for over 20 minutes, on the most watched newscast in Japan. In 2009 over 80,000 New York citizens signed a ballot initiative to establish a New York City 9/11 investigation commission with surponea power; which was not placed on the ballot due to technicalities.
The reason that the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory keeps gaining new believers is that the conspiracy theories are based on physical evidence. It doesn't help that many of the government explainations of the events of 911 have proven to be contrary to the principles of physics and engineering. One odd thing about this conspiracy theory is that many of the 911 Truth leaders are engineers, university professors, retired military officers, airline pilots and other professionals, not long haired hippies who have a smoking habit.
Most Americans would agree that it is bad public policy to let this conspiracy continue to be a festering wound throughout the world. The only way to kill it would be to have a new 911 Commission that was not the kangaroo court that the last one was. This Commission would be expected to conduct a completely public investigation, make all of the evidence public and address all of the accusations. We pray that fellow Americans are not involved, but demand that any found guilty be prosecuted.
The 911 Truth movement loses a lot of traction because a large majority of the evidence of government involvement is what I would label as "Wikipedia grade evidence." It is likely true but hasn't been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth have avoided a lot of controversy by only looking at the evidence regarding the fall of the three World Trade Center buildings. Over one thousand professional engineers that belong to our group make only one claim: "That the forensic evidence shows beyond a shadow of a doubt five times over that all three buildings were brought down by thousands of pre-planted explosives and thermite charges, in a controlled demolition."
All of the evidence to back up this claim is located on our website. AE9111 Truth has informed the FBI about our collection of evidence and welcome them to download it. We have even volunteered to aid them in their evidence analysis.
As good Americans, we want the traitors who planned and planted the explosives arrested for participation in the mass murder of three thousand of our fellow citizens.
A review of the 911 evidence leads most people to belive that the United States government intentionally planned and executed the murder of 3,000 of its citizens in order to gain the political support required pass the Patriot Act and start the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. To our knowledge, this is the first time in American history that our government has engaged in mass murder of its own citizens for political ends, which is a violation of the U.S. Government’s first and most sacred treaty; the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution.
A precedent has now been set. If the U.S. government is willing and able to mass murder 3,000 innocent
civilians, there is no moral barrier that prevents it from taking away the remainder of the liberties that
American citizens have come to cherish, or even go as far as to murder tens of thousands of citizens those in the 9/11 Truth Movement who speak out against its policies. If the American population won't speak out about a mass murder of 3000, they wouldn't be likely to speak out if the government individually disappeared citizens.
My father taught me that there are honorable and dishonorable men in this world. He taught me that an
honorable man is a "man of his word" who keeps his promises particularly when the cost of doing to is high. I
believe that the American Government of my father's and grandfather's time was an honorable one. It gives
me great pain to say that this generation of American government has proven itself to be no longer
Trust is a key ingredient in our country's relationships with other nations. Other governments are now asking if
the American Government is willing to violate its own constitution, its most sacred treaty of all; can it be
depended on not to violate promises and treaties with other governments at times of convenience? If it will
murder its own people for political ends, what economic or political treaty won’t it be willing to violate? In a
time of crisis and danger, can the American Government be depended on, not to break its word, and to
defend the nations of Europe, Japan and Korea as promised?
The efforts of the 9/11 Truth movement are to one end, for the United States to regain its honor by fully
investigating 9/11 and publicly prosecuting those involved. It is only by "cleaning our own house" that our nation's honor can be restored.

Keep the faith.

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